Tim and the Tin Titan


The CBC at it's best
I watched a documentary this weekend called Deadline Iraq - Uncensored Stories of the War On the CBC. I features reporters, photographers, cameramen and the like talking about situations or events that their editors refused to run.

One of the most telling is of a photographer who took pictures of a boy (nicknamed "stumpy" by the crews) who had lost both arms and all of his familly in an american bombing run. The boy became a minor celebrity and was visited in the hospital by all sort of dignitaries. After the photographer uploaded the pictures to his photo editor, the editor called back and asked the photographer "Don't you have any of him smilling?" and the only thing the photographer could answer was "what does he have to smile about?".

They also interview the reporters who were caught in the friendly fire bombing of a kurdish and special forces convoy. Here is the video.

A very nice look at the difference between reality and the media version.