Tim and the Tin Titan


Too good to be true
1&1 Internet Inc. is offering 500 megs of hosting space, 5 gigs of monthly transfer, FTP, PHP, Perl, MySQL, CGI, SSH, Cron Jobs, 50 POP3 e-mail accounts, 500 e-mail forwarding accounts, Virus Scanning, and auto-responders for three years for free.

The guys over at AnandTech have been picking the offer apart for 9 screens of posts and there doesn't seem to be a catch yet other than it seem that 1and1 is very reluctant to point a domain you registered with them to someone else. That situation can easily be avoided by registering your domain name elsewhere and the pointing it to 1and1's name servers. EV1Servers.net (aka rackshack) is one of the domain name registration services that was recommended by the AnandTech forum.

I think I'll look into this, might be interesting. I'll let you know.