Tim and the Tin Titan


Stop! Thief!
The Neistat Brothers often make small quirky movies, including the iPod's Dirty Secret video that some credit with making Apple modify their battery replacement policy.

Their latest one is about bike theft in NYC (but is really applicable anywhere). They locked up their bikes in public places then proceed to steal them using bolt cutters, a saw, a hammer and chisel and even a angle grinder (complete with eye, ear and hand protection).It is really incredible to watch how easy it is to steal a bike and no one will interfere with you while you are doing it. The only person who intervenes actually gives them advice on how to do it better. There is also a police van that drive right by while they are in action. Watch it then think about how secure it is when you lock up.

To help you along, some tips on how to properly lock up your bike.

Also, I had Kryptonite locks that were affected by the bic pen exploit and were recalled. I am happy to report that the company has made good on their promise and I received 2 new locks last week. Gotta love a company that stands behind it's product even when there is a problem. Might have cost them a lot, but they bought my loyalty.