Geekdom Concentrated
Once More with Hobbits: A Lord of the Rings and Buffy the Vampire Slayer Musical Adventure is a remake of Once More With Feeling, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer musical but with lyrics pertaining to Lord of the Rings.
The two songs available for download are pretty good, but you have to be an initiate of both of these aspects of geekdom to get it. I, sadly, know the words to all the songs in Once More With Feeling as does my wife. It has become part of the unofficial soundtrack of our road trips. I know, it's sad...
Once More with Hobbits: A Lord of the Rings and Buffy the Vampire Slayer Musical Adventure is a remake of Once More With Feeling, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer musical but with lyrics pertaining to Lord of the Rings.
The two songs available for download are pretty good, but you have to be an initiate of both of these aspects of geekdom to get it. I, sadly, know the words to all the songs in Once More With Feeling as does my wife. It has become part of the unofficial soundtrack of our road trips. I know, it's sad...