Tim and the Tin Titan


On demand Songs
Songs To Wear Pants To is a nice whacky site. You email Andrew, tell him what kind of song and about what you want it to be and if he picks your email, he will make a short song (between 7 and 71 seconds) and post it on the STWPT site. The stranger the suggestion the better, it seems. And the result are very good. It's just original, self-concious, funny music.

Some of my favorites are Rename Your Rabbit, Sarah Anderson and honorificabilitudinitatibus. These are, among others, for some fine example of sureality. There are many to pick from as Andrew is very prolific: 23 songs in the 7 days since his site has been up and it doesn't look like he will run out of ideas any time soon.

And if 71 seconds just isn't enough for you, Andrew also holds auctions where you can bid on a full-length custom song.