Tim and the Tin Titan


Ah, Friday Flash Fun
5 More Minutes contains squirrel profanity, and scantily-clad cartoon goth girl and a good dose of non-sensical humor. The Ill Will Press site contains a dozen flash animations that I find pretty hilarious. Here are the archives.


Up, Up And Away!
The Increadibles looks like it will be a good movie. It's from the same guy that did the Iron Giant, easily one of the best animation movies ever. He is teaming up with Pixar so it sould be a quality product.


The slither, they crawl...
Creatures in my Head is a very nice site where Andrew Bell draws a little creature every day on an index card (over 400 now). Some are very cute, sad or a bit gross but always interesting and fun. You can also view the top voted or random ones. Hum, time to get some postcards I think...

Ice, Ice, Baby
If you made a boat, call it the Habbakuk, that was 60 feet long and 30 feet wide, weighing in at 1,000 tons but made entirely of ice, how long would you expect it to take to melt? How about almost a whole year?
This is a very interesting story of the war-time invention of Pykrete, super strong ice that took forver to melt.